Saturday, December 25, 2010
Stained Glass Masquerade - Casting Crowns
Sometimes I find something that really does say everything that my heart feels at a given time. This song has really grabbed me. I find one of the struggles in my leadership is that I sometimes have to mask how I feel for the benefit of others. God loves me for who I am, when I am happy or sad, energetic or on empty, but he requires me to also be honest. With him, myself and with others. This feeling has partically been on my heart lately. Life is tough and I feel that I am walking through a valley, but I know that God has a lamp for my feet, that I may follow the path that he has for me. He is carrying me through this time, and this song has really made me see the power in his word at this time. I ask for continual prayer throughout this trial. As each day passes, the challenges continue, but it is not by my strength that I bow at his feet and worship him for he is worthy... More worthy than I feel I give him credit for when I stumble.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Work is done for 2010.... now onto 2011
An update for anyone that knows the struggles of the last couple of months. My dad got some results back that seemed to suggest that he has recovered from his stroke. All the doctors have added how lucky he is that there isn't more serious ramifications from it, but for now, all we can say is that God has worked his power in a recovery. The marathon is not over yet and there are many more tests to come. I have had a hard time in some respects with this as this and work has pretty much put me in a place where I am so exhausted that I am conciously having to stop myself from stupid decision making... A couple of days R&R should help. I would love to publicly say Thank you to all who have supported myself and my family through the last couple of months and beyond. If you know me well, you will know that I love family and when all is not right that is my first priority.
I would like to take this time also to wish you all a merry Christmas. This time of year is always very busy for me, and I am in a good place when I see the smiles on others and know that we are celebrating not a holiday, but the greatest gift ever given to Man. A humble baby that would grow to be a sacrifice for me on a cross.
God Bless you all, and please keep healthy and safe.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
humble and greatful
Tonight I was able to attend my old high school of Chaffey Secondary College and personally hand this award out, which for me was a humbling experience knowing that only 10 or so years ago I was sitting where the students were waiting to recieve awards. I was not a perfect student, I had my faults but I was always brought up to try hard and strive to do my best. This was apparent with the number of awards and scholarships I received in my schooling and how I can still look back on those moments and smile. Tonight many of those awards still exist like the South Mildura Rotary Scholarship. I won that in yr 10 and took great pride in seeing that someone else would win that beautiful plague that still proudly hangs on my wall.
The most humbling and satisfying thing for me was seeing teachers who taught me honoured for their years of teaching. I model my teaching on what was shown to me and the teachers I spoke to and shared with tonight all had a profound impact on my learning and me becoming the person I am.
There is a whole blog I could write on each of those teachers, but that is for another time.
I would just like to finish with this statement:
I have been honoured to share in an experience which shows that when someone is able to give, others feel blessed. When others are open to acceptance, others will outstretch their arms and show love. When songs are sung and played, others will grab on for the ride.
Hang On,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Exhaustion is not advised!
The subject for the blog comes from the personal experiences that I have faced recently.
I am a 'Yes' Person! This might sound so suprising but If I can help or can offer assistance, I usually will say yes and rise to the call for help. This often comes as a sacrifice to my free time, my physical and emotional condition (over a long period of time) and to my overall satisfaction with people and their work ethic. I constantly remind myself that I maybe the one who has it wrong, when other seem to do less than expected but still get their gratitude or what we assume they should deserve.
I am not comfortable with recognition or praise, but accept that it is important for people to celebrate successes, but it is a balancing act, one which requires wisdom.
I have had many wise people tell me to just say no. What has happened though is as I have done this it has given me more 'me' time but I have found a problem with boredom......
So what is my realisation. I have rediscovered the things I love by being in my state of exhaustion by factoring in and planning me time. I have included it in my schedule, so my brain can believe that I am still busy, however the tasks that I want to complete for me and no one else still appear as work...
I do not reccomend being exhausted as this takes it tool on not just you, but on everyone around you. I am attempting to sit in the silence of the world and listen to what life and God is telling me. My me time is not solidary as God is able to communicate with me. But I know that in this conversation, God has given me the challenge to make time not only for myself, but for friends and him as well...
May the seconds that pass go slow enough that I have time to rest, but fast enough to keep my mind focused on the tasks at hand.
May you strengthen me in this time of challenge and exhaustion and refresh my mind, body and spirit to work in this world you.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Facing the Tough Times
Monday, November 15, 2010
When times are tough who do you lean on?
Since getting back from camp, my life has been a rollercoaster as I have settled back into the routine of work and juggling all of my other commitments as well as the stress of having a member of the family far from well.
Since my sisters wedding a few weeks ago, my Dad had been battling some occasionally numbness and dizzyness. This led to him having (we have since found out) was a TIA the second last day I was on camp. Total numbness and a trip to the hospital and overnight stay was both a very tense period and a time for us all to sit back and work out just what our priorities are and should be.
The good news is that although at the moment he still can't drive (doctor's orders), he is feeling happy, relaxed and alot more aware of what is going on. He is able to do everything else but has to watch the blood levels in all aspects and make sure that he is doing R&R as much as possible.
This leads me to the question that is the title for this blog.
Through all of this time, the one amazing thing that has happened is the sense that the prayers being said by me and others have calmed my soul and strengthened my family. We are leaning on God, because he makes the way for us when all else seems lost. We are able to look for his guiding light when the darkness consumes our lives and we are able to walk through the quicksand safely because he is carrying us.
I remember the wonderful story about who packs your parachute and how it is also true in this case.
Who are you leaning on? are they strong enough to burden your load or do you maybe have to surrender the little bit of your hold on life over to God? Who has much more scope on what is actually going on then you ever will?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Looking out at beauty
Sunday, October 10, 2010
All Tmes
May I bless the Lord in everything I do for God alone is worthy of praise! All that I do, is not for me but is firstly for God and then for others.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Forgiveness and Renewal
With this being said I've decided to do something a little left field right now. I never said I did things normal so maybe this is my normal.......
Father, Forgive those in my life who walk behind me and talk and act behind my back to benefit themselves and their own walk in life at the expense of those around them. May I continue to walk with integrity on the path which you have lit for my path.
Forgive those who in the past may have insulted me to my face knowing that their words would hurt me, but not knowing the scars that those words have left. May I know that those scars remind me of the wounds in which you suffered for me.
Forgive me for acting in the same way towards others as I fell into this way of life knowing that it was not nice or right, but was too lost to realise the error in my way.
Forgive those who take advantage of my generousity for they know their intentions but feel it's easier to hide them. Forgive me for using my free time to fill it up with tasks which resist the path that I am to walk on.
Forgive me for being ignorant to your call on my life. I am but a sinner and a sinner pleading to be set free.
Forgive me for not caring about the people you place in my life with a heart of giving and servanthood. Strengthen me in my weaknesses so I can be a witness to them in all aspects of their life.
Forgive me for my faults, for the wasting of my gifts, and for the thoughts of doubt and insecurity. You gave me gifts to use and not waste and gave me the mind to inspire others.
God instill in me a heart that is serving, greatful, hungry, soul searching, loving, pure, kind, hopeful, faithful and urgent to live out your calling on my life!!!!!
For God makes all things possible through him!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
I have lived most of my life with what I would like to define as 'Superficial' friends. We all have them. They are the ones which we hang out with at events or occasionally catch up when we can and share together some random and maybe even semi personal accounts. They are the type that if they somehow forget to invite you somewhere you just shrug and imagine that they really did want to invite you, they just didn't know if you were free or not, so they assumed that you would be busy. The reason why I say they I have lived most of my life with these people is because in reality that is what most school friends are. You catch up at school, you experience some experiences together and then as you get older often you take different paths in life and end up somewhere else.
The next group of people I like to call 'the close friends'. They are the ones who get through this period or seem to just click with you. They are the ones that you happily share lifes good and bad moments. You share with them most secrets or desires that with their encouragement you will strive to achieve and if you don't quite get there they are the ones that encourage you. They are also the ones who help you select the best person for you to have relationships with, the best names for your kids, the best outfit for the party and are there at the drop of a hat to help you.
I believe there is a third group. They are what I like to call our 'lighthouse friends'. They are the ones who you don't have to say that you are worried or hurt, you don't have to say anything. They are the ones that laugh at the same inner thought you are having eventhough you haven't uttered a word. They are the ones that know you so well, that you are almost one. They are the ones who not only help you when you are hurting, but sit next to you and absorb some of that hurt. They may still be 'the close friend', but they are also the friend that you rely on when no one else seems to want to be there.
The term agape is often chucked into discussions. We as humans are fallible. We are not perfect and if we haven't already, we will make big mistakes in our choices. Unconditional 'Agape' love is a model that I believe we should strive for. This world is already filled with so much hatred or mistrust. I know that in reality there will always be hate and hurt. There can never be human perfection while we live on Earth and 'Control' Things. But gee it's nice to think that one day I can live in that world.
I have blogged previously many times on the importance of friends to me. My challenge today is where do we all fit into the structure of our friends? Who in our friendship group do we look to as our close and Lighthouse friends? Is uncoditional love for others such a stupid goal?
I don't know where you sit. I don't mind if you don't agree. I just want to publicly say that when I leave this Earth hopefully in many years than now, I can leave knowing that one of the memories people had of me is that I loved life, but loved the people in my life with compassion, with integrity and with accountability. That I can be a lighthouse for others as they have been a lighthouse for me. Shine Strong for those around you as you do not know who is using your light to help find their way.
Thankyou Friends.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Time to Rest is oh so important... Apparently!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Where it all Began!!
just a little over 20 years ago, I learnt the skills required to lead me to where I am now as a musician. I started on a garden hose with a funnel and then began lessons with a wonderful man called Frank Whitecross. It was Frank who from the start told me to never forget the blessings and gifts I have been given and that I should always 'play for God'. This all happened in the old Salvation Army band room in Madden avenue and it was here that I also learnt the correct fundamentals in both the physical nature of playing and also the emotional and spiritual levels as well. It was then two teachers (Rex Peirce and Rob Booth) as well as many mentors that helped shape the person and musician that I am today.
Many years have past by, many gigs have been played on many stages with many different levels of musicians and tonight I was once again reminded that the blessings that this journey have given me along the way have made this journey a terrific experience. Enjoy!
Pics top to bottom
Me as a young lad with my first trumpet
the original Chaffey Rat Pack: Jason Harvey, Naomi Mclean, Hope Favelle, Glen Foster and me,
Playing at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival 2004
Doing a gig with Apple Tree at the Mildura Grand
Karl Stefanovic and me at the SMGT Awards Gala
James Morrison and I having a good time
Mildura Jazz Festival promo 2008 with Brodie Steel and Ian Horbury
Playing as the pre band for Smokin' Joe Robinson
Screamin' Lead as a guest for the Riverland All Star Bigband
Sitting in with Marmalaide Trio at the Mildura Arts Festival 2010.

Accountability with Compassion
When a person falls in life, we are left with a choice. Do we act like the soldier on the battlefield who will not leave his friend and comerade there or are we like the ghost that disapears out of sight so we don't have to face the obligation of helping but also being accountable for our friend.
I have been asked how I can stand there and be friends with a couple of people in my life because of their actions and situations. Firstly, I believe that I can be a positive spiritual and personal impact on them. I can be the light that helps them get out of the darkness of their hearts and minds (with God's Strength and Guidance). Secondly it is what friends do. I would like to think that if I am in the valleys of life, that the friends that I consider dear and special to my life would not only keep me accountable but stand with me and compassionantly guide me back to the light.
The people I speak of may read this and wonder why I would write about such a thing on a public blog.
My heart hurts when I hear of a friend hurting, My mind thinks about the situations and about you and others and how you are travelling, just as people do about my journey, and most of all; I want to publicly declare my desire to keep you accountable but Love you with the same Grace that God loves us each day of our lives.
God Strengthen Us Daily
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
People crave recognition!! Some people love it. They need it to feed that inner self indulgent heart that lives inside them.
Everyone likes to be recognised for their achievements and their hard work. For me I am a person that finds acknowledgement something that is a little hard to accept sometimes. But saying that it is still nice to have acknowledgement in the form of a thankyou. The thankyou does not have to be public for I find that the hardest to accept, but a thanks means more to me than any public display of gratitude. I'm not feeling or experiencing this at all at the moment, eventhough the work going in seems to be huge. Not only that I feel that I'm slowly being squashed in my roles and not getting all the requirements given to me to do my roles to the best of my ability.
I want to admit the struggle that I have had recently. It goes beyond recognition, it is where I struggle with a believe that the effort I put into areas of my life are worth even bothering with if I can't even feel a sense of self gratitude in myself.
When I'm climbing a hill and there is not much to grab onto on, I can only grab onto one thing. I'm am clinging to the cross and it's promise, because God knows my heart and knows that even when I doubt that things are going well...
That is when I am reminded just how lucky and blessed I am. I don't care anymore about the recognition like others because I need to do the right thing in my heart. Forfeit the self ego in favour of the humble spirit.
Please Pray!!!
Lord be a strength and guide to my life everyday!
Be a comforter when I am weary and a Blessing when I am weak!
A saviour for the lost and a footstep for the hurt!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Being the Candle!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I went back over everything earlier and decided to change a couple of things in the talk but can not get over the amazing experience that the WYC2010 was for all that went. My heart is warmed everytime I think back to the experiences and the conversations I had with God and with the many people from all over the world. Sharing a laugh with God as well as tears and sitting in his presence knowing that 1000 people are all getting a different promise, challenge in their own language is something to behold and just leaves me in awe of a great God out there that puts every star in the sky, every planet in orbit, every man on this earth and at the same time carries me when I know I am not able to journey with him on my own two feet.
I also must add to this, the time that I've had since coming back. My life is changed forever. I have found myself finding coming back to earth so to speak a little harder than I thought it would of been. I've slowly got back into the grind of my job, and caught up with friends to share my experiences, but I have also felt challenged to reach out to the friends that I have let go or have not been able to share with for a while. My heart warms when I think of these people and I can hear them say to me; Stay grounded in your own mind so God can speak to you. I also hear my mind praying for each and every friend of mine that they may continue to seek God out in their lives or come to know him for them personally.
God has amazing plans for each one of us and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
To walk away with your head held high.
I struggle just like everyone else to hear what people say about me behind my back or even sometimes to my face. It can be comments on how you look, your height, weight, dress sense, sense of humour, lifestyle choice, sexuality, even your level of intelligence. To know that someone can be quite judgemental or harsh and often not considerate to emotions can really make you question how these people live happily with themselves when they are so full of either hatred or the need to put others down.
Often and I know it is the case for me, what happens in our past, shapes our response but as well as that, the way in which we deal with those memories shapes the future for us.
I have come to an interesting conclusion that I realised has been sitting there and maturing for a number of years.
We need to keep in the forefront of our minds our own self belief as well as our spiritual belief. If we live with honesty and integrity about ourselves and our lives. The comments and actions of others should only be reminders of how sad and mean the world can be, not an excuse for us to start doubting our importance in the world. I would love to see the day, when no hatred consumes this world, but I am reminded that as there will always be sin to the last day of this earth, so there will always be War, Slander, Hatred, Murder and deceit.
The only thing I find I can do now to combat this terrible problem is to suck up the air, hold my head high and continue to walk on my journey following the lamp that lights my path.
Monday, July 26, 2010
All That I Am
I remember at the conference the moment when we sang this song and the presence I felt in knowing that this prayer and challenge was resonating in me.
the words:
All that I am, All I can be,
All that I have, All that is me.
Accept and Use Lord,
As you would choose Lord,
Right now today.
Take Every Passion, Every Skill
Take all my needs,
and bend them to your will.
My all I'll give Lord,
For you I'll live Lord,
Come What May!
To truly and humbly pray these words are so important for me in these days. May we all offer this prayer to God that we will fully give ourselves to his plan for our lives.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Feet on the ground!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Home, Exhausted but Energized!
The flights allowed me to rest, but I found my mind still racing thinking in silence about what all the notes I have written are really saying to me. I made a point of writing as much as I could when I felt urged to do so.
I am exhausted, but I do know that I am also energized knowing that there is a journey I have started which will energize me and inspire me.
I was once again stopped in my thoughts briefly by the song I can only Imagine. This song is becoming a constant song in my mind and also in my worship. It's popped up in a show I did, the conference just after I wrote the phrase as it entered my mind, my ipod when I turned it on and put it on random, My computer on Itunes... It's everywhere. God is trying to tell me something in this song, I wrote notes during this song and reading over them quickly shows me that God has spoken to me, I just have to prayer and ask God to show me what he means by the inspiration and challenge of this song in my heart.
I'm home and happy to be home, but also happy that the conference taught me a great deal about myself, including my faults. Now the emotion of the days are over, but my heart is still beating strong to stand firm in faith and seek God!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Inspirational Motivation
Today marks the end of the World Youth Convention!
Words cannot express the emotional rollercoaster ride that has been 4 days and the sense of belonging and holiness that I have been blessed to be a part of. If it was enjoying the music and worship or hanging around and seeing cultures display their 'own' form of Army, one thing is for certain. It's moving throughout the world and is not dead as some would have you believe.
I am going to keep this short because it is 3:30 local time in Stockholm. The sun is already coming up and I am waiting for my Friends from Haiti to Leave before I climb into bed for a super power nap.
I want to just say though, that I am going to spend time in silence over the next couple of days lettng this new info and experiences settle in my heart so I can make the wise decisions on where to go. These ideas will also form future blogs.
I hope that one day I can really sit with my friends and share this important information to all that I speak too.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
So Much to Think About
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What a Trip into the Unknown!
I am into my second day of my trip to Sweden, and eventhough I am still struggling with the language, the place is wonderful and I'm slowly learning about just how to convert the money in my head to work out if I am getting a bargain or if I am spending too much money... hehehe
Our contingent have many varied dynamics and I am enjoying the oppurtunities to learn about each person and hopefully develop good friendships and relationships with them all.
I am reflecting a great deal though on my purpose in this life and what I am doing to both make a difference and also serve in the best possible way.
Life is a constant journey, and sometimes the roads are lit and sometimes you have to wait in the dark or tread carefully. Making it personal is only half the answer. We need to then take what is personal and share it with others so that they too, can be the light when we find darkness.
I had an amazing day today doing some sightseeing. There is lots to probably share here, but I need to really take in the memories and realise just what an impact this journey so far has already had on my views on life and all that is contained in it.
Changes are to be made, Challenges are to be met, Experiences are to be shared..... Time will tell me when this is right.... God's time not mine!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
To be Loving and Generous
My day started by honouring the life of a Mildura legend. Milton Whiting passed away earlier in the week. For people who don't know Mildura's History. Mr. Whiting was a statesman, gentleman and champion for all people from all walks of life. He was a member of parliament, community social worker, Father, Grandfather, Inspiration, Mentor, Business advocate and most of all a Man of God.
I had the honour of playing the last post at his funeral because as well as his public life, he was a POW in WWII. His daughter who also happened to be an ex teacher of mine and a current council member asked me to perform this duty and I was honoured to do so. What I wasn't expecting was the learning that came with this oppurtunity.
I was again reminded the overall importance to cherish each moment I get to spend with family and friends and the love that I can show them as they continue to show me their love and support. I also was reminded that we have a charge to also do this to our neighbour and also to strangers. The people who spoke about Mr. Whiting, spoke of his generousity and his willingness to help others. I truly think that there is no greater gift in life than loving and helping each other, friend or not to find their journey in life and hopefully find not only the physical but the spiritual journey as well.
After this wonderful experience I was able to do something else that I haven't done for a long while but did enjoy in my past. GOLF!!! I'm a little rusty of the tee, but I did have a great time with two good friends as we sliced, hooked and chipped around the golf course. Mildura Golf Course is lovely and close to home, so I might have to look at Membership... Best part is that we all want to do this activity more often so my scores and shots will hopefully get better... time to hit the driving range when I get back from my journey overseas.
Then came a glorius moment.
As you might know... I love performing on stage. There is no safer place for me than standing under the lights performing to an audience. It is the one place where nothing in the world that worries or hurts my core, can get to me. I am finding another joy though at the moment. Being able to mentor others to perform is amazing and I was once again blessed by the 'Nun' Item in Gang Show.
It's amazing that Scouts are open to doing christian songs as part of their show and even better that I get to choose the songs for the show as part of a team. I can only imagine tonight turned into a 'awesome' moment of goosebumps and I'll admit a little tear running down my cheek.
I believe that the last couple of weeks have been a huge spiritual journey for me. I was asked my opinions on a couple of spiritual matters the other day by a friend. I found myself able to answer them quite comfortably but still wanting to discover what makes this such a commitment in my life.
I know God is at work with me and the oppurtunities that present to me, but I also know that I need to continue to seek his guidance. Part of this image of God is to imagine what he has in store for me.
I don't know what my trip overseas is going to bring. I don't know if this will be just another journey experience or if it will change my life forever in a drastic way. I'm actually feeling in my life that no matter what happens, I can trust him to show me his wonder.
Was the tears of joy, adoration or fear. Probably all of the above, but I know that he is generous, he is loving and my heart is blessed everytime I get to see others share the experience of spreading the message of Love, Grace and fogiveness, even if they don't know the impact that it has on people.
Love Life, Live Love.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friendship, Loyalty and Grace
To be a friend is to Love a person even with their dents,
follow their lives and be there to celebrate their successes and support in thier trials.
It is to be forgiving when you disagree and assertive when they need guidance.
It is being honest when you don't want to hear it, but tactful in how you present it.
A thought when you need to smile and a smile when you seem to lose yours,
a lighthouse when you get lost and a boat when you want to set sail.
warmth when you need a hug and a fan to cool you down when a little heated.
A brick to keep you grounded and a set of wings to let you soar.
But when it all comes down to it. A friend to me is what I see when I look into the eyes of those who I believe God has placed in my life to fill the hole that would otherwise would be an empty void in my precious and amazing journey that I call life.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Surrounded by your Glory
It's amazing how the heart speaks to people and I shared wonderful conversation tonight over dinner with your friends.
The show I am writing and recording for at the moment has a nun's item. They were in need of a song as a big number for choir and I suggested a song which has always spoke to me. I can only imagine by the band MercyMe gives the image of being surrounded by God's Glory and truly kneeling in the presence of God. I can only imagine what the will be like, but I can only believe that it will be awesome (In the true sense of the word). I got the oppurtunity to fill in today for a soloist who is not well at the moment. My heart felt a stir as I sang and the words of this song seemed to really resonate with my soul today.
I even got to share somewhat of a journey over dinner. I thank God for all the people in my life.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wow what 11 weeks can do to the body, mind and spirit
Monday, June 21, 2010
Plans and options
I have looked at a lot of situations in my life recently and have determined that I have many options, many gifts and many skills in which I could trial and see what works.
I'm finding though that my searching into my own mind and heart has revealed some very important insights that I know I have always valued, but may have not always spent time focussing on their impact.
There is my generousity: I have been given so much by people in my past. Not only money or possesion, but friendship, guidance, love, kindness, respect and hospitality. It is a gift that I really feel needs to be repaid. Not necessarily to the people who were generous to me, but to others so we can keep generousity moving throughout society.
There is my judgement: I'm not perfect, but I do find that some things in my life are really sound when it comes to my thoughts and my deeds. I live those values rather than impose, but hopefully others will see it and know about how important the values of Honesty, Integrity, and sound decisions are to my life.
and then there is something that is very important; Trust.
I have had many discussions with people lately about why I do or don't have an issue with trust.
I don't have an issue with trust as much as the people who break it. It's not that I don't like the people.. I just really dislike the action.
Too many times, the trust is broken between people and rather than grace being displayed or reconcilliation happening, we are pushed into the spiral that is lies and justification for our actions. We are all vunerable to this and it is important that we keep in mind what our hearts say to us when this happens to us.
My life is always a challenge when it comes to balancing it all out. I know that options are there, and I have people that I know keep me in check and keep me moving forward. Words don't have to be written or said to know the importance of them in my life. When I've had an option to run, I've found I'm never alone and together I can fight my battles, knowing that my true friends are fighting right along beside me. With my Trust, I have faith, with my judgement comes grace and with my generousity comes Love.
What are your options in Life?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Learning to deal with Critiques
It wasn't that long ago that I experienced that very feeling and the feelings of doubt and fear can only be counteracted by Practice, Preparation and Confidence.
It's a little longer though that I was doing this as a secondary student as many of the students I watched tonight were. The scary part for me is that I remember those moments like it was yesterday. I remember sitting next to friends backstage knowing that as soon as I stepped over the taped line on side stage it was game on and the best person on the day won. We would all then sit back and chill and laugh at the stupid things that we did at school or on the weekends.
I was lucky, I had and continue to have great support from my family and friends, especially my Mum and Dad. They were not like other parents who would berate their kids for making a mistake or cause a big fuss. They just sat there and enjoyed the fact that I was able to get up and provide entertainment for others and nearly always smile after it. For me it wasn't about the awards or accolades, they went to people that probably cared more than me, and for the most part I felt the judgements were fair. I do think it was for the most part, not all the time.
It's interesting that as a student I cared less about the competition and the rules as I do as a teacher. In fact, I believe that sometimes it's important to follow the letter of the law and sometimes discretion has to be used, but for the most part I thnk that sometimes the rules mean we miss the point.
It's all about caring about giving the students and competitors access to comments from a extremely qualified professional as well as a stage to learn the craft of performance. As a parent it's important to encourage and foster the skills that bring out the positive confidence but also humbleness. It's not about living in your childs spotlight but letting the child find there own to turn on and shine.
I had many memories come back to me tonight. Some brought a little smile and some a silent chuckle but those moments shaped me as a performer today and to some that's an awesome thing. To me, it's just having a good time in the presence of others. If it's you that's been there with me. Thank You!!!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Whirlwind and Stillness
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Before this Site
enjoy and if you want add me as a friend...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
In Life, sometimes we realise that nothing is happening that is nice and we get down. This reminds us all, that the most powerful weapon to sadness is a smile. It is not only infectious to those who recieve but blesses those who give.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sometimes Life teaches us a valuable lesson!
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lyrics to reflect my Mood!
It's interesting to me sometimes what lessons we learn in life from others. To be honest, I am not the stern person I used to be but a rounded, deep thinking adult with moral judgement and career dreams. Sometimes though, we get shown by others that no matter what we face in life, there is always someone out there that can show us that most of the things we stress about are so insignificant, that we should stress about them at all.
The Following song is resonating in my heart tonight. It speaks for itself, but to put ourselves in the shoes of others is to understand the lessons of life that are being shown to us.
God Bless,
He's My Son - Mark Schultz
I'm down on my knees again tonight
I'm hoping this prayer will turn out right
See there is a boy that needs Your help
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired
I'm sure You can understand
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand
And she tries not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes
Can You hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him?
Can You make him feel all right?
If You can hear me
Let me take his place somehow
See, he's not just anyone
He's my son
Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep
I dream of the boy he'd like to be
I try to be strong and see him through
But God who he needs right now is You
Let him grow old
Live life without this fear
What would I be
Living without him here
He's so tired and he's scared
Let him know that You're there
Can You hear me?
Can You see him?
Please don't leave him
He's my son
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Memories should be providing us with hope and a future
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's about Life and all things in it
Friday, April 2, 2010
Redeemer – New Easter Song written Tuesday
Have you ever had one of those moments where time suddenly shows you that as fast paced and turbulent that you life is, there is always one point that you can think of that changes your whole life forever.
Many years ago I stood up and walked to the front of the church to commit myself to the Lord. Little did I know when I did this that my life would send me on the journey that it did. I have had so many highs and lows but one thing has shone through these times God's Presence.
As a songwriter, I can't shut off my mind from what is around me, and sometimes I take for granted the abilities in which God has given me.
The other night it was very late, which to be honest is not unusual for me, but I had finally got to the point in my night that I thought sleep might be a good option. As I settled into my pre-sleep routines, God spoke into my mind the words "I wrote down your name, you were blind but now you see".
I hadn't quite got around to shutting my laptop computer down and had been working on some scores for a show I'm working on, so I thought I might just Facebook and journal that thought and shut it down. I was challenged though by a flow of words. I bypassed Facebook and opened my composition program up instead. From that single thought came this song.
Through one thought, God gave me a song for both performing and a song that I can sing in my heart. If God is able to do this through a thought, what could he do through a simple cross?
I pray that you'll consider that thought as you read these lyrics:
Composer: Donald R Mayne
You were sent to earth,
God's Precious gift of love.
In a stable born.
A manger for a bed.
God sent you to this earth,
to save a wretch like me.
and on the cross at Calvary,
Your Blood it set me free.
On the cross, as I stared,
you took my sin and shame,
as you wrote down my name.
As I knelt at the foot of the cross.
You died upon that tree.
As I bowed my head and heard your voice.
was blind but now I see.
From above you came,
in heav' n you still reign.
King of kings we say.
The Lord of Lords we pray.
But I know when I sin,
I'm saved with Grace and love.
I've come to know the Father,
through Jesus Christ his Son.
© 2010 Donald Mayne APRA/AMCOS
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Musical Futures
Friday, March 5, 2010
Our Own Strength vs the Life of Faith, Hope and Love.
I have been pondering a great deal lately on why we often face trials in life head on and not stop and fight them with the help of our friends.
So often we put on the mask that is our protection and we face the battles like a superhero fighting in a comic strip. The reality is though that we forget that the superhero powers that are in the comic strip are fantasy. We can really fly around Gotham City, Travel at the Speed of Light or Bend metal bars like they are thin wire. We are human and as part of being human we are often weak in strength, judgement and life balance.
I have come to relise that I very much live by the philosophy that in life we need to have Faith. My faith is in a God that can do more than I can ever ask or Imagine, A God who promises and delivers in his own time, and opens and shuts doors as he sees fit to provide me with amazing Blessings.
We need Hope; My Hope is in the belief that I can reach out and know that I am not alone. I can believe that in the end, my life has a purpose and that I will not only find it, but live it to the furtherest degree possible. My Hope is built on Nothing but a solid foundation.
and Lastly, Love.
Love is varied, and the ideal is not always apparent. However the love and respect that should be shown to others is not that hard to achieve. Love your neighbour as yourself, be gracious and kind, honour their opinions, believe that no matter what, they would do the same for you.
Finally with all these three, remember that life is not perfect, but I wouldn't have life any other way..
Peace Friends.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hi There
I guess I thought it was time that I updated my blog to have a dedicated blog site. In time, many thoughts and stories will appear on this page. Some you may understand, some you may not. That is not all that important, as long as you get something out of what is written.
My life has many influences and inspirations. Hopefully they will come through in what I write here.
Welcome and I hope to have more up here soon..