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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Where it all Began!!

I was sorting out some photos tonight on my network drive and thought that I would share a couple with you.
just a little over 20 years ago, I learnt the skills required to lead me to where I am now as a musician. I started on a garden hose with a funnel and then began lessons with a wonderful man called Frank Whitecross. It was Frank who from the start told me to never forget the blessings and gifts I have been given and that I should always 'play for God'. This all happened in the old Salvation Army band room in Madden avenue and it was here that I also learnt the correct fundamentals in both the physical nature of playing and also the emotional and spiritual levels as well. It was then two teachers (Rex Peirce and Rob Booth) as well as many mentors that helped shape the person and musician that I am today.
Many years have past by, many gigs have been played on many stages with many different levels of musicians and tonight I was once again reminded that the blessings that this journey have given me along the way have made this journey a terrific experience. Enjoy!


Pics top to bottom
Me as a young lad with my first trumpet
the original Chaffey Rat Pack: Jason Harvey, Naomi Mclean, Hope Favelle, Glen Foster and me,
Playing at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival 2004
Doing a gig with Apple Tree at the Mildura Grand
Karl Stefanovic and me at the SMGT Awards Gala
James Morrison and I having a good time
Mildura Jazz Festival promo 2008 with Brodie Steel and Ian Horbury
Playing as the pre band for Smokin' Joe Robinson
Screamin' Lead as a guest for the Riverland All Star Bigband
Sitting in with Marmalaide Trio at the Mildura Arts Festival 2010.

Accountability with Compassion

Over the last few months it seems that I have been continually challenged by keeping people accountable in their lives as people have done for me but doing this with a graceful and compassionate heart.

When a person falls in life, we are left with a choice. Do we act like the soldier on the battlefield who will not leave his friend and comerade there or are we like the ghost that disapears out of sight so we don't have to face the obligation of helping but also being accountable for our friend.

I have been asked how I can stand there and be friends with a couple of people in my life because of their actions and situations. Firstly, I believe that I can be a positive spiritual and personal impact on them. I can be the light that helps them get out of the darkness of their hearts and minds (with God's Strength and Guidance). Secondly it is what friends do. I would like to think that if I am in the valleys of life, that the friends that I consider dear and special to my life would not only keep me accountable but stand with me and compassionantly guide me back to the light.

The people I speak of may read this and wonder why I would write about such a thing on a public blog.
My heart hurts when I hear of a friend hurting, My mind thinks about the situations and about you and others and how you are travelling, just as people do about my journey, and most of all; I want to publicly declare my desire to keep you accountable but Love you with the same Grace that God loves us each day of our lives.

God Strengthen Us Daily

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I learnt a lesson a long time ago which has recently resurfaced in my life.
People crave recognition!! Some people love it. They need it to feed that inner self indulgent heart that lives inside them.

Everyone likes to be recognised for their achievements and their hard work. For me I am a person that finds acknowledgement something that is a little hard to accept sometimes. But saying that it is still nice to have acknowledgement in the form of a thankyou. The thankyou does not have to be public for I find that the hardest to accept, but a thanks means more to me than any public display of gratitude. I'm not feeling or experiencing this at all at the moment, eventhough the work going in seems to be huge. Not only that I feel that I'm slowly being squashed in my roles and not getting all the requirements given to me to do my roles to the best of my ability.

I want to admit the struggle that I have had recently. It goes beyond recognition, it is where I struggle with a believe that the effort I put into areas of my life are worth even bothering with if I can't even feel a sense of self gratitude in myself.
When I'm climbing a hill and there is not much to grab onto on, I can only grab onto one thing. I'm am clinging to the cross and it's promise, because God knows my heart and knows that even when I doubt that things are going well...

That is when I am reminded just how lucky and blessed I am. I don't care anymore about the recognition like others because I need to do the right thing in my heart. Forfeit the self ego in favour of the humble spirit.

Please Pray!!!

Lord be a strength and guide to my life everyday!
Be a comforter when I am weary and a Blessing when I am weak!
A saviour for the lost and a footstep for the hurt!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Being the Candle!

I found out last night that I was playing a solo on sunday. It's not a bad thing at all. I think that it's a great opportunity to share the message through my music. The piece was chosen and strangely the song had been in my mind through the week because I was once again thinking about Lighthouses and was reading about a Lighthouse operators life long passion to save ships from disaster and his love of climbing up every night to look out and see the majestic power of the ocean.

The song I am playing is a beautiful songster piece which I have adapted and rearranged for the meeting called 'The Candle of the Lord' by Joy Webb.

The words are a continual challenge to me.

How great the darkness,
How deep the need!
How vast the problems of indiff'rence, hate and greed.
A world rejecting,
The truth once known,
And slipping down into a nightmare of it's own.
Is there a light,
that's strong enough to go,
and change the world, the darkness that we know.

I am the candle of the Lord,
And truth and love more powerful than sword!
O fan the flame, its single gleam diffuse,
and let my spirit be the light that you can use.
I am the candle of the lord.
Light me!

How great the light is;
From soul to soul.
A myriad tiny flames expanding to a whole.
How strange the truth is,
When joined as one,
and what a miracle this shining could become.
It could transform the darkness that we know,
and clearly light the way mankind must try to go.

Even in times of Darkness, God offers us Light. We therefore need to be ready with a strong presence to offer light to others, but unlike the light of man who after a while will extinguish and surrender to darkness, we need to be lit by the eternal everlasting light that not even darkness can extinguish.

God Bless

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well it's nearly been three weeks and I'm finally going to do part 2 of my talk. This reflection has been a constant journey over the last couple of weeks as I have prepared my talks and gone over all my notes.

I went back over everything earlier and decided to change a couple of things in the talk but can not get over the amazing experience that the WYC2010 was for all that went. My heart is warmed everytime I think back to the experiences and the conversations I had with God and with the many people from all over the world. Sharing a laugh with God as well as tears and sitting in his presence knowing that 1000 people are all getting a different promise, challenge in their own language is something to behold and just leaves me in awe of a great God out there that puts every star in the sky, every planet in orbit, every man on this earth and at the same time carries me when I know I am not able to journey with him on my own two feet.

I also must add to this, the time that I've had since coming back. My life is changed forever. I have found myself finding coming back to earth so to speak a little harder than I thought it would of been. I've slowly got back into the grind of my job, and caught up with friends to share my experiences, but I have also felt challenged to reach out to the friends that I have let go or have not been able to share with for a while. My heart warms when I think of these people and I can hear them say to me; Stay grounded in your own mind so God can speak to you. I also hear my mind praying for each and every friend of mine that they may continue to seek God out in their lives or come to know him for them personally.

God has amazing plans for each one of us and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me!!