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Friday, December 13, 2013

If only people knew... well.....

So I was thinking whilst travelling back home today after a quick trip with a friend just how much people probably don't know about the quirks that make us who we are... I have a few and I know my mates do too.... so I thought I would share some of mine. 10  in fact... because in the end.... they will only help I guess to understand me...

1. I tend to close my eyes whilst listening to music... I do this to bloke out the visual so my ears can hear everything.. I'm not sleeping or even ignoring the performer, I am trying to give them my full aural attention. I also tend to not clap loudly as the shock of my clap hurts my ears.. and it bugs me when people clap along to the music out of time... don't do that!!

2. I sometimes smile at nothing in particular (or a distant memory). It gives me joy to sometimes just smile because it something I often don't do because of a conscious decision.

3. I often use quotes or little word puns to explain stuff. I love quotes, but people think I'm a bit strange with them I guess. So if that's you; sorry!!

4. I sometimes withdraw from conversation: I sometimes can literally not focus enough to stay engaged. This is a terrible one I know but if their is some break in conversation, often my mind just jumps onto the next thing. I am trying to work on this, but the brain is in control

5. I will not tell you straight out how I feel. I do this to protect myself and others from getting hurt. I will be supportive and often am more scared of my response than you are.

6. I can't stand large groups of people. I struggle with energy and large groups take it out of me. One on One is how to get to know me....

7. Know that I am going to stuff up more times than not. No real explanation needed.. I live the life and try and not have regrets.

8. I am harder on myself than you will ever be to me. I sit and stew for hours over my day and mostly struggle with what I think the level of achievement is.

9. I do everything at full pace, full energy and full intensity. The switch is on/off and not variable.. leads me to places that are not good long term energy wise.

10. I sometimes shed tears over things that just don't happen the way I want them to. I live by the presence of experience and I show the emotion in my life because that's what it is.

There you  go. An insight.

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