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Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Tmes

I was reminded today that it is so important to bless the Lord at all times. It's an amazing thought that everything we do should praise God. We as people need to remember that when people look at us as Christians they are not looking at us as people but as examples. Some even look at us and hold us up on the moral highground. We are not perfect but I would like to think that whatever I do, I am able praise God for the Blessings that my actions bring to him, me and to others.

May I bless the Lord in everything I do for God alone is worthy of praise! All that I do, is not for me but is firstly for God and then for others.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Forgiveness and Renewal

Over the last few weeks I have used the words Forgiveness and Renewal in my conversations with some people. Both are so important in the walk with Christ however we as christians probably don't act these two aspects out as daily requirements for us to develop in our relationship.

With this being said I've decided to do something a little left field right now. I never said I did things normal so maybe this is my normal.......

Father, Forgive those in my life who walk behind me and talk and act behind my back to benefit themselves and their own walk in life at the expense of those around them. May I continue to walk with integrity on the path which you have lit for my path.

Forgive those who in the past may have insulted me to my face knowing that their words would hurt me, but not knowing the scars that those words have left. May I know that those scars remind me of the wounds in which you suffered for me.
Forgive me for acting in the same way towards others as I fell into this way of life knowing that it was not nice or right, but was too lost to realise the error in my way.

Forgive those who take advantage of my generousity for they know their intentions but feel it's easier to hide them. Forgive me for using my free time to fill it up with tasks which resist the path that I am to walk on.

Forgive me for being ignorant to your call on my life. I am but a sinner and a sinner pleading to be set free.

Forgive me for not caring about the people you place in my life with a heart of giving and servanthood. Strengthen me in my weaknesses so I can be a witness to them in all aspects of their life.

Forgive me for my faults, for the wasting of my gifts, and for the thoughts of doubt and insecurity. You gave me gifts to use and not waste and gave me the mind to inspire others.


God instill in me a heart that is serving, greatful, hungry, soul searching, loving, pure, kind, hopeful, faithful and urgent to live out your calling on my life!!!!!

For God makes all things possible through him!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I was encouraged by a conversation with a friend last night about what they considered a friend. Encouraged so much that I thought I would blog about it.

I have lived most of my life with what I would like to define as 'Superficial' friends. We all have them. They are the ones which we hang out with at events or occasionally catch up when we can and share together some random and maybe even semi personal accounts. They are the type that if they somehow forget to invite you somewhere you just shrug and imagine that they really did want to invite you, they just didn't know if you were free or not, so they assumed that you would be busy. The reason why I say they I have lived most of my life with these people is because in reality that is what most school friends are. You catch up at school, you experience some experiences together and then as you get older often you take different paths in life and end up somewhere else.

The next group of people I like to call 'the close friends'. They are the ones who get through this period or seem to just click with you. They are the ones that you happily share lifes good and bad moments. You share with them most secrets or desires that with their encouragement you will strive to achieve and if you don't quite get there they are the ones that encourage you. They are also the ones who help you select the best person for you to have relationships with, the best names for your kids, the best outfit for the party and are there at the drop of a hat to help you.

I believe there is a third group. They are what I like to call our 'lighthouse friends'. They are the ones who you don't have to say that you are worried or hurt, you don't have to say anything. They are the ones that laugh at the same inner thought you are having eventhough you haven't uttered a word. They are the ones that know you so well, that you are almost one. They are the ones who not only help you when you are hurting, but sit next to you and absorb some of that hurt. They may still be 'the close friend', but they are also the friend that you rely on when no one else seems to want to be there.

The term agape is often chucked into discussions. We as humans are fallible. We are not perfect and if we haven't already, we will make big mistakes in our choices. Unconditional 'Agape' love is a model that I believe we should strive for. This world is already filled with so much hatred or mistrust. I know that in reality there will always be hate and hurt. There can never be human perfection while we live on Earth and 'Control' Things. But gee it's nice to think that one day I can live in that world.

I have blogged previously many times on the importance of friends to me. My challenge today is where do we all fit into the structure of our friends? Who in our friendship group do we look to as our close and Lighthouse friends? Is uncoditional love for others such a stupid goal?

I don't know where you sit. I don't mind if you don't agree. I just want to publicly say that when I leave this Earth hopefully in many years than now, I can leave knowing that one of the memories people had of me is that I loved life, but loved the people in my life with compassion, with integrity and with accountability. That I can be a lighthouse for others as they have been a lighthouse for me. Shine Strong for those around you as you do not know who is using your light to help find their way.

Thankyou Friends.