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Monday, June 11, 2012

The source!

I am a firm believer that if I have a problem with something or someone, I tend to take it to the source. That way the problem remains within the two entities; Me and the source. If I cannot resolve that problem it is with the Source that I tend to move onto the next step.

Some might say that this is wise, some say it is foolish, but what it is in the end is at least a way of dealing with the problem.

Wise words for some, for some maybe a reminder, for others maybe a lesson. Just a thought!

What does a tin can, a can opener and life experiences make when you put them under a spotlight??? I think a pretty good lesson in life :S

I have been thinking over the last week of this question:

what does a tin can, a can opener and life experiences make when you put them under a spotlight??? I think a pretty good lesson in life.

The question is answered in the last part of the statement. A lesson of life!

A tin can is always sealed. It is known as a non perishable item and with that it reminds me of the idea of keeping things private and on the inside is something that through experience I have come to become quite good at doing. Why would I want to get the can opener and break the seal that keeps everything inside fresh.... It's a simple answer with many complex problems and experiences following it.

As soon as you take the can opener and you break the seal you forever change the condition of the can and what is inside. Over the last fews of my life, I have chosen to open up the can for one reason. To share with others what is inside of me that  makes me; ME.

Not everything inside of the can is great, not everything is perfect but what it is something that is uniquely me.

One of the complexities that comes with this is that it allows people to look at what is there and pass their judgements on my life. It's not that hard to imagine how that feels and what some people may say. At the start of this experiment, I found that it hurt me greatly and I wished that I had never split that can, but as I have grown in my life I have also learnt to accept that criticism, hurt and dissapointment from others is just a by product.

I live a life that I have already recieved grace for my past, I have recieved a hope in the future and I know that when I fail, I can put my faith and trust in something much larger than I.

So what does a can, a can opener and life experiences make under the spotlight? A crack of light in the darkness that is the world and a insight into how and why I live the life I lead.

Just don't tread on it, for I can't take back what I've given.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Strike and Eisteddfod: A contrast or a reason?

When I was a young guy I had many great teachers and inspirations. Now that I am older, I am finding that I am striving to be more like those people.

Yesterday I made a decision to lose a day's pay, sit in a room with 300 other teachers and sit there and watch a telecast of the strike action in Melbourne. All the while sitting there wondering about what effectiveness is shown by sitting in a room...

fast forward to today............

I'm standing in front of 12 amazing kids who have given up a day off of school (report writing day) to compete in a competition that is really a cover for giving kids a chance to get some feedback and win some cash.

As I stood in front of them I was once again reminded why I choose to strike.

As in my qoutes on my facebook and twitter walls suggest; I strike for the sake of the present and future education of young people. I take a hit in my pocket for one day for the better educational outcomes in the future. The government have made their stand and I'm making mine... why don't I think the plans that they have laid out will work? Because history, data and performance from the past tells me so.

If you want to give me a bonus for outcomes... give me a bonus everytime I get a kid who struggles to read and write from doing nothing to writing a sentence about the words they have just learnt, give me a bonus when a kid who refuses to work picks up a pen, and give me a bonus when a students learns that there is no difference between pop and classical music, just good and bad.

If you want to let me compare what difference I make to my colleagues... how about I base your pay the same.... because I think your speech writers and suit dry cleaner make you look better so I think that they should be paid according to how good they make you look... but it comes out of your budget.

I'm ok with what I earn because I believe that I put my heart and soul into what I do... My reward trully is seeing kids like the ones I proudly stood in front of today, do their best, take a stand for their learning and reap rewards for what they share a passion for..... Nothing can be worth more than that...