Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Stream
Looking through Glass
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I WISH I HAD THAT 10 Seconds again!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wish I had the chance

I have been thinking lately a great deal about the importance of family and the memories that we share in those moments.
Wish I had the chance!
Composer: Donald Mayne
I look at the pictures on the wall.
They have so much history, but it don't seem real at all.
I wish that I met you in your time.
The sound of silence, is broken by the chime.
Pre- Chorus:
And I wish you got to hold me in your arms.
The way I hold the pictures from the past.
But the only memories,
Are the ones that people tell,
They’re only distant stories,
From the ones who knew you well.
But I know that when I look up,
To the heavens up above.
You look right back down from heaven,
And send right back down your love.
I Know that God had called you home.
I think it was to soon, but I guess I must be wrong.
I hope that you'd be proud of me.
I tried to be the best, the best that I could be.
Pre Chorus & Chorus
I look at all the faded photographs,
I see your smiling faces, they stare right at me.
I wipe off the dust away from you.
Then look to heaven, and let my thoughts run free
You look right back down from heaven,
And send right back down your love.
Copyright © 2011 Donald Mayne
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Update!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Joining a long list
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Tommy the Tuba
No one could actually work out just how old Tommy was, but by the look of his outside appearance he looked very old and not very attractive to the eyes. Tommy was dirty, gritty and his valves didn’t quite work the way they used to. Actually, only one of Tommy’s valves did work. The other two were injured or missing vital parts like the springs to keep them going, but Tommy didn’t mind, because he knew what laid beneath.
Tommy lived his day to day life on a shelf. Long ago he was a treasure that bought joy and the message of God to all that heard his deep rumblings beneath the more outspoken cornets and flying Euphoniums. Even the trombones got more recognition than Tommy and his family, The Tubassits. There was Tommy, Trevor and his younger brothers Timmy and Tony. Over the last few years though Tommy had been forgotten about as he lived in a storage room. It was here that Tommy began to really look and feel different. To all that seen him, he was just another reminder of days gone by.
Tommy was so excited! He was told that he was going to be reborn, and all he wanted to do was show the world that underneath all the grit and tarnish was joy and a message for all to listen too. From a humble servant of the history of bringing God’s Music to people, to a new message for everyone.
Tommy was scrubbed and polished and hosed down until a small shine started to emerge. Tommy was so happy because the cleaners and even their devoted pet (and water hose fetcher) was able to see a small distorted reflection of themselves in his outer layer. The Message was starting to be shown and the pet dog didn’t only like that hose but thought that Tommy was looking pretty good too (for his age).
Tommy started to feel so clean and new. Tommy thought that he should let his cleaners into a little secret. His cleaners were keen to find out where Tommy was born, so Tommy showed them his makers emblem and his unique number that all Instruments like Tommy get put on them when they are made.
Tommy’s Fingerprint allowed his cleaners to make an amazing discovery! Tommy was born around 1921. This made Tommy nearly 90 years old!!! Tommy suddenly felt a sense of joy and humbleness when his cleaners not only learnt this fact, but stood smiling at the image before them. Tommy had a message for them though that only a instrument broken and neglected could tell.
We are all tarnished and battered and bruised from our lives and experiences. We may not be able to be as active or even achieve the things we used to, but underneath that tarnish and our outer layer is a heart and story that when used for the Glory of God, can not only bring joy to others, but reflect light onto others so that they can see God’s reflection in us, as well as see where their own lives could benefit from knowing that God is there to guide them, even when others don’t see the worth in looking deeper than what we see at a quick glance.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17