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Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Stream

As I imagine a gentle stream flowing, I remember that life just like the water does not stop flowing not even around the rocks that place themselves in our way.

The above thought came to me in my reflection time this evening.

We are often 'blocked' by the things in our lives that are like walls for us reaching what life has intended for us.... We are so caught up in the wall that we forget the formidable force that is the gentle pushing of the water or will.

I am reminded of the giants of history who often faced adversity to overcome the odds. I think of the stream of life that gives me the water of the spirit of God to live a life that is in his image and I also think of those barriers that I have overcome and will overcome in the future.

The power of Water is something that I have always loved. The fact that it breaks down the rock overtime eroding it to the point where it crumbles or bores a hole so that water can pass through, over and around it.

The Stream flows gently, but underneath the current is strong.... May our lives do that.... Be peaceful on the outside by challenged on the inside to do great things with the right intention.

Looking through Glass

I don't know if you do this but I do... I find that in moments of clarity I visualise looking at the situation through polished glass. I find life is like that... sometimes the things that bother us as far as our not understanding can be seen much clearly if we remove ourselves and look at it from outside.

Lately I have found myself approaching many crossroads and trying to work out just what path to take. It is interesting though that I have also found the answers by not jumping into it, but by being patient on what God has to tell or show me....

Once I look at it with that mindset, things are shown to me which assist me in this process.. This is true of my life of late and I hope that with this challenge will be true in yours.

God promises to never leave us or forsake us, so in humbleness I sit with God to help me make decisions.... I am not apologetic if they are unpopular, because sometimes they have to occur for us to grow...


Thursday, January 27, 2011

I WISH I HAD THAT 10 Seconds again!!!

Ever had one of those short fragments of time and just when the right thing could of made the difference you just blurted out something that doesn't help at all???

I've had a couple of these lately. Oh how I wish I could just stop time rewind and say what should of been said. But the reality is I can't and then you end up sitting there for hours stewing over what could of happened or how someone could of felt better but what you just said.

Life is like that sometimes, we always want everything to be perfect and memorable for the right reasons. When we hit the wall or we realise just unperfect our world is, we sit and wonder what could be if we had our time again.....

Well it's too late now and if I did this to you I'm sorry... You're Amazing because you're you and that's all that matters!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wish I had the chance

I have been thinking lately a great deal about the importance of family and the memories that we share in those moments.

I unfortunately never met any of my grandparents. They all sadly passed on before I was born. This in itself is not uncommon amongst people I'm sure but for me as I've got older and interested in my family history really feel that I didn't get to experience the precious moments in my life that oncan be shared by having your grandparents around (to maybe spoil you) :P

This led to the following song. My latest composition! The words are below.

Wish I had the chance!

Composer: Donald Mayne


I look at the pictures on the wall.

They have so much history, but it don't seem real at all.

I wish that I met you in your time.

The sound of silence, is broken by the chime.

Pre- Chorus:

And I wish you got to hold me in your arms.

The way I hold the pictures from the past.


But the only memories,

Are the ones that people tell,

They’re only distant stories,

From the ones who knew you well.

But I know that when I look up,

To the heavens up above.

You look right back down from heaven,

And send right back down your love.


I Know that God had called you home.

I think it was to soon, but I guess I must be wrong.

I hope that you'd be proud of me.

I tried to be the best, the best that I could be.

Pre Chorus & Chorus


I look at all the faded photographs,

I see your smiling faces, they stare right at me.

I wipe off the dust away from you.

Then look to heaven, and let my thoughts run free

Pre Chorus & Chorus


You look right back down from heaven,

And send right back down your love.

Copyright © 2011 Donald Mayne

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Update!

For those who have been reading my blogs of late would know some of the story of my dad's illness. The update for you all is a real positive one. Yesterday Dad got great news he could drive again. This is the first time since his stroke at the end of October that he has been able to get behind the wheel. This is a huge milestone for this saga as it marks a great milestone as to the recovery of this devastating situation.

Dad has also got some very positive news about just how lucky he is. He seems to physically be fit as far as he is able. The stroke has had some impact on the eyes and also on the heart, but it seems that with management this will be stable and that means that hopefully this will mark a milestone for the future.

I would like to on behalf of my family, thank each and every person who has prayed, showed support, spent time talking or visiting us and just being a part of our lives. You are a strength that cannot be measured with a numerical figure!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Joining a long list

Sometimes when you look back in history you realise just how the people from your past shape your future. I have recently been informed of opportunities to do a few more things ministry wise. For me this is still using the natural abilities that have been given to me, but also continue a very special legacy which has shaped me and also hopefully will shape a new generation.

Part of this role has been to look over the history and see just what that means for my future. I have found new music (old but new to me) that I am sinking my teeth into.
Some of it is just beautiful, whilst some may have words tagged to them as Crazy, Virtuosic, Insane and beyond the normal day to day playing. Some might look away from the music, but I am really excited about getting some of this stuff down. Not only will it help me as a musician but it will hopefully remind those who hear it, a special moment or memory when hearing it!!

Back to rehearsing (don't look at the time) hehehe!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tommy the Tuba

No one could actually work out just how old Tommy was, but by the look of his outside appearance he looked very old and not very attractive to the eyes. Tommy was dirty, gritty and his valves didn’t quite work the way they used to. Actually, only one of Tommy’s valves did work. The other two were injured or missing vital parts like the springs to keep them going, but Tommy didn’t mind, because he knew what laid beneath.

Tommy lived his day to day life on a shelf. Long ago he was a treasure that bought joy and the message of God to all that heard his deep rumblings beneath the more outspoken cornets and flying Euphoniums. Even the trombones got more recognition than Tommy and his family, The Tubassits. There was Tommy, Trevor and his younger brothers Timmy and Tony. Over the last few years though Tommy had been forgotten about as he lived in a storage room. It was here that Tommy began to really look and feel different. To all that seen him, he was just another reminder of days gone by.

Tommy was so excited! He was told that he was going to be reborn, and all he wanted to do was show the world that underneath all the grit and tarnish was joy and a message for all to listen too. From a humble servant of the history of bringing God’s Music to people, to a new message for everyone.

Tommy was scrubbed and polished and hosed down until a small shine started to emerge. Tommy was so happy because the cleaners and even their devoted pet (and water hose fetcher) was able to see a small distorted reflection of themselves in his outer layer. The Message was starting to be shown and the pet dog didn’t only like that hose but thought that Tommy was looking pretty good too (for his age).

Tommy started to feel so clean and new. Tommy thought that he should let his cleaners into a little secret. His cleaners were keen to find out where Tommy was born, so Tommy showed them his makers emblem and his unique number that all Instruments like Tommy get put on them when they are made.

Tommy’s Fingerprint allowed his cleaners to make an amazing discovery! Tommy was born around 1921. This made Tommy nearly 90 years old!!! Tommy suddenly felt a sense of joy and humbleness when his cleaners not only learnt this fact, but stood smiling at the image before them. Tommy had a message for them though that only a instrument broken and neglected could tell.

We are all tarnished and battered and bruised from our lives and experiences. We may not be able to be as active or even achieve the things we used to, but underneath that tarnish and our outer layer is a heart and story that when used for the Glory of God, can not only bring joy to others, but reflect light onto others so that they can see God’s reflection in us, as well as see where their own lives could benefit from knowing that God is there to guide them, even when others don’t see the worth in looking deeper than what we see at a quick glance.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17