Saturday, December 31, 2011
So it's the end of 2011??? My Reflection!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Post Halls gap and Christmas
Sorry about the very long delay in posting, but I must bring all of my readers up to date.
The Bigband was really firing on all cylinders on the saturday night and I'm happy to say that my playing was able to keep up with what was going on in my head. I believe they could hear me from the pinnacle which is not a huge when you are playing at the bottom of the mountain range and it echoes but exciting non the less.
The Sunday morning though was a little bit more eventful. I had concerns my car was playing up and what was to happen possibly was a disaster for me but comedy for a lot of other people. My car stopped dead in the middle of Grampians Rd an hour before I was to hit the stage. The Mechanic told me it could be a timing belt.... great; that equals some money to repair... Well the RACV came to the party and a tow truck with me in it and the car on the back, made a journey from Halls Gap back to Mildura.. It was in Ouyen when we discovered that a touch (mine) had possibly caused it and that it could be worse than I thought.
Well fast forward to now. It took 7 weeks to get my car back. In the end it cost me just over $4000 and out of it I have basically got a brand new head for my car, new seals and new pumps and gaskets etc.... it pretty well blew apart the engine..... so in the end, it was a rather frustrating journey from Halls Gap to Now.
Musically and spiritually it was an amazing weekend and I encourage you all to keep an ear out for the Territorial Bigband of the Salvation Army.
TODAY is Christmas day! The day that christians mark the birth of Jesus Christ hence CHRISTmas.
I had the amazing honour of playing for both the morning service and also for the community lunch that we put on each year. This year had over 150 people at it.
Below is a presentation I performed for them, I made the vid out of some stock photos I had found.....
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Halls Gap 1
Most of the guys are coming up from Melbourne today and we have a rehearsal later this afternoon... I hope the lip holds out. It should be a great gig and then tomorrow is all about leading worship and doing some performance pieces, then it is home.
I will try and right updates across the weekend!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Just unpacking my bags
It was in this real time of dissapointment and despair that I stumbled across this great video about baggage.
For me this was a real message from God and as the tears began to flow from my eyes it was then in that moment of clarity that I recieved the blessing of this video and also the message from God that I really needed to address this.
For months now, slowly I have been so busy that I have neglected myself and my own wellbeing. The stress of life has been so great that I really put all of my energy into making sure everyone was ok... Now is the time that I change that. The line that really stood out for me was just how much of a lie 'Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'. The Reality is it's not just the names; it's the thoughts, the pain, the denial, the rejection, the dissapointments, the struggles the broken dreams; All of these take a little bit of our spirit away and we end up being lost, exhausted, vunerable and lonely.
I have had conversations with people where the simple question of 'How are you?' is masked with a ignorant and neglected and maybe dishonest Yes everything is fine, I'm doing well... The reality is though that each time that happened a new piece of baggage was added to my travel weight.
The illustration that comes to mind is when you collect the baggage from the carousel at the airport... If you don't touch it, it just rolls on by, it has your name on it but without picking it up it's just a labelled bag. It is when you reach and pick it up that you take that bag and own it...... For us as travellers (Ilove travelling by the way), there is a weight limit. and The importance of this is so that the plane can be balanced and correctly fuelled to make the journey. We in life don't seem to apply that so we just take more and more on until we can't move off the tarmac let alone the runway.
But the answer my friends is simple. Jesus hung on a cross, and I like to think that when he was hanging there for me, he actually said my name and said to me... Come here, I see you are tired and I see you are hurt, but I am here on this cross because I love you this much... and with his arms outstretched he then looks me in the eyes and says, give me your bags and let me carry them for you.
Is it time for you to unpack this baggage and get rid of it... There is only one way to do this and it doesn't involve wearing the bags.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Looking for the small things in times of trouble
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Life is a struggle but God has Control
Sunday, May 22, 2011
drawing a line in the sand!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Whirlwind Adventures can only define my life for a small time
I must say that in my weekend trip to Adelaide it was great to catch up with friends that I haven't seen since leaving uni. Some of those friends were special in my life and in some ways, seeing them again just made my life feel so exciting. I missed some people I normally see this time around, but I know that I will be back over there real soon. I have once again been reminded just how much I love that city. If live takes a new direction you never know........ :P
Well I'm home! I'm back at work and in a strange way, I have missed work so much. I really am in this one for the long haul it seems :D
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What a trip!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Promotion to Glory for a great lady!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Because He Lives
On the Train back into the city, the song (of course as a bigband arrangement for the future) Because He Lives was playing inside my head.
I especially Like the line of the refrain, Because He Lives I can Face Tomorrow!
Over the last few months it has been a season in which if I could just get myself motivated I knew that I would be able to face whatever was happening in my life.
I was reminded just how important it is to thank God for everything, everyday and every moment.
It is because He lives, that I can stand and face the stresses, anxieties and rejoice in the wonders that is my Life.
Today I was reminded that it's great to hang out with positive people, hopefully there are manymore of these moments to come.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Truth is hiding!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
mmmmm when people pay out my chosen career
If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job.
~Donald D. Quinn
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Stream
Looking through Glass
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I WISH I HAD THAT 10 Seconds again!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wish I had the chance

I have been thinking lately a great deal about the importance of family and the memories that we share in those moments.
Wish I had the chance!
Composer: Donald Mayne
I look at the pictures on the wall.
They have so much history, but it don't seem real at all.
I wish that I met you in your time.
The sound of silence, is broken by the chime.
Pre- Chorus:
And I wish you got to hold me in your arms.
The way I hold the pictures from the past.
But the only memories,
Are the ones that people tell,
They’re only distant stories,
From the ones who knew you well.
But I know that when I look up,
To the heavens up above.
You look right back down from heaven,
And send right back down your love.
I Know that God had called you home.
I think it was to soon, but I guess I must be wrong.
I hope that you'd be proud of me.
I tried to be the best, the best that I could be.
Pre Chorus & Chorus
I look at all the faded photographs,
I see your smiling faces, they stare right at me.
I wipe off the dust away from you.
Then look to heaven, and let my thoughts run free
You look right back down from heaven,
And send right back down your love.
Copyright © 2011 Donald Mayne
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Update!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Joining a long list
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Tommy the Tuba
No one could actually work out just how old Tommy was, but by the look of his outside appearance he looked very old and not very attractive to the eyes. Tommy was dirty, gritty and his valves didn’t quite work the way they used to. Actually, only one of Tommy’s valves did work. The other two were injured or missing vital parts like the springs to keep them going, but Tommy didn’t mind, because he knew what laid beneath.
Tommy lived his day to day life on a shelf. Long ago he was a treasure that bought joy and the message of God to all that heard his deep rumblings beneath the more outspoken cornets and flying Euphoniums. Even the trombones got more recognition than Tommy and his family, The Tubassits. There was Tommy, Trevor and his younger brothers Timmy and Tony. Over the last few years though Tommy had been forgotten about as he lived in a storage room. It was here that Tommy began to really look and feel different. To all that seen him, he was just another reminder of days gone by.
Tommy was so excited! He was told that he was going to be reborn, and all he wanted to do was show the world that underneath all the grit and tarnish was joy and a message for all to listen too. From a humble servant of the history of bringing God’s Music to people, to a new message for everyone.
Tommy was scrubbed and polished and hosed down until a small shine started to emerge. Tommy was so happy because the cleaners and even their devoted pet (and water hose fetcher) was able to see a small distorted reflection of themselves in his outer layer. The Message was starting to be shown and the pet dog didn’t only like that hose but thought that Tommy was looking pretty good too (for his age).
Tommy started to feel so clean and new. Tommy thought that he should let his cleaners into a little secret. His cleaners were keen to find out where Tommy was born, so Tommy showed them his makers emblem and his unique number that all Instruments like Tommy get put on them when they are made.
Tommy’s Fingerprint allowed his cleaners to make an amazing discovery! Tommy was born around 1921. This made Tommy nearly 90 years old!!! Tommy suddenly felt a sense of joy and humbleness when his cleaners not only learnt this fact, but stood smiling at the image before them. Tommy had a message for them though that only a instrument broken and neglected could tell.
We are all tarnished and battered and bruised from our lives and experiences. We may not be able to be as active or even achieve the things we used to, but underneath that tarnish and our outer layer is a heart and story that when used for the Glory of God, can not only bring joy to others, but reflect light onto others so that they can see God’s reflection in us, as well as see where their own lives could benefit from knowing that God is there to guide them, even when others don’t see the worth in looking deeper than what we see at a quick glance.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17